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CDF 5 - New Version.png

CDF 5 has by far been our most ambitious

year. Adding an additional 2 slots to bring

the total count to 34 bands in 3 days.

This year we went above and beyond and brought in twice the amount of International bands and put out our biggest production 

to date.


It took place on Thursday July 26th

Friday July 27th & Saturday June 20th 2015

The lineup included:


-Vomit Remnants (Japan) *Days 2 & 3 Headliner

-Broken Hope (Illinois) *Day 1 Headliner

-To Violently Vomit (California) *Cancelled

-Carnivore Diprosopus (Colombia)

-Gorgasm (Indiana)

-Brodequin (Tennessee)

-Dehumanized (New York)

-Thanatology (Mexico)

-Waco Jesus (Illinois)

-Abnormal Inhumane (Greece)

-Epicardiectomy (Czech Republic)

-Korpse (Netherlands)

-Darkall Slaves (France)

-Gravitational Distortion (Canada)

-Abuse (Canada/US)

-Odiusembowel (Australia)

-Carnal (New Zealand)

-Condemned (California)

-Flesh Hoarder (Texas)

-Cranial Engorgement (California)

-Stages of Decompostion (California)

-Slamentation (Switzerland) / -Wormhole (Massachusetts) / -Post Mortal Possesssion (Pennsylvania) 

-Septicemic (Minnesota) / -Cognitive ( New Jersey) / -Whore of Bethlehem ( Texas)

-Wounds (Illinois) / -Cordyceps (Nevada) / -Wounds (Illinois)  / -Introvert Perversions (Missouri) 

-Nailed Shut (Minnesota) / -Inebritated (Illinois) / -Asphyxiator (Illinois)

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