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The inagural Chicago Domination Fest. This is where it all began in 2014.
With little more than just an idea to create a memorable single day brutal death metal show. It would soon become apparent that the potential for something bigger was most definitely there. The blueprint was laid out, the bands we're booked and the first fest was hosted at the Underground Lounge a cramped subterrean sweat lodge in the middle of a sweltering hot summer near downtown Chicago. The 150 capacity show sold out just days prior to the event with people attending from all around the country. The atmosphere created that evening was the beginning of something quite special that would eventually grow into the monsterous international death fest which exists today.
CDF #1 took place on
Saturday July 19th 2014
and the legendary lineup included:
-Devourment (Texas) Headliner
-Gorgasm (Indiana) Co-Headliner
-Unmerciful (Kansas)
-Incinerate (Minnesota)
-Delusional Parasitosis (Michigan)
-Asphyxiator (Illinois)
-Human Bashing (Minnesota)